Can You Make Brushing Easier for Seniors by Changing Their Toothbrush?

Posted on 7/13/2019 by Dr. Bijan Modjtahedi
Can You Make Brushing Easier for Seniors by Changing Their Toothbrush?As you likely know, seniors can struggle to accomplish simple tasks that were no problem for them when they were younger. Between a decrease in hand-eye coordination, the development of arthritis and other similar maladies, and the other issues that come with aging, even getting through the daily routine can become a challenge.

The issue of brushing their teeth is no different for many seniors. They can encounter struggles gripping the toothbrush, moving the brush in the appropriate motions, and so on. The good news is that there are ways to counteract the issues that come with aging. One of the best ways is to change out the toothbrush the elderly person is using.

A Different Toothbrush Can Make All the Difference

If your elderly friend or family member is struggling to grip his or her toothbrush, there are toothbrushes with larger handles available. He or she may find that these are easier to hold and control.

However, for many elderly people, the main issue is the repetitive motions needed to properly brush one's teeth. Simply moving their hand in small circles can prove to be too much for them. For this reason, we frequently recommend that elderly people consider switching to an electric toothbrush.

Electric Toothbrushes Can Ease the Brushing Process

An electric toothbrush works by using a head that moves rapidly around. The movement of the head is much faster than what may be achieved by brushing by hand. To use it, your elderly friend or family member simply needs to switch it on and slowly move it over the tooth surface. The vibrating head will do the rest.

Electric toothbrushes are very affordable, and you can purchase additional replacement heads for use when the bristles begin to wear out. Using one of these can make all the difference for a senior person.

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